ClientArt Fund

Services Through The Line, UX, UI, Creative & Strategy

Art Fund Unbooked

Art Fund’s National Art Pass exists to help more people see more art – and supports museums & galleries in the process. As lockdown lifted, we needed to restart sales, but social distancing and perceptions of limited ticket availability made consumers less likely to book.

We found a solution in an unexpected place. During lockdown, many member museums had signed up for Art Fund’s ticketing system, Art Tickets, which meant that we now had real-time insight into availability across lots of smaller, less well-known venues. We decided to put it to work.

The Results

In July 2021, we launched a new platform: Art Pass Unbooked. Designed to make it super easy for experience-hungry culture seekers to find and book tickets to the UK’s smaller museums, it feeds the appetite for something new, enabling serendipity and spontaneity despite the need to book in advance.

We saw over 8,000 visits in its first 40 days (July 29th – September 7th) despite a minimal media budget, with 10% of visits ending with a click through to a venue’s booking system.

8000 visits


Smell slightly less irresistible post lockdown